
The products of the LLC KTM-2000 are widely represented throughout the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

You can get advice and purchase our products in our office, in specialized DIY stores or in contruction markets.

Also, you can contact our representative in your area for this, please send a request by e-mail to the head office.

Head Office КТМ-2000

220075, BELARUS, Minsk,

strt. Promyshlennaya, 6а

Telefon: +375 17 360-07-00, 395-39-46, 361-17-11, 361-17-10

FAX: +375 17 360-08-00

GSM: +375 29 399-45-55


GPS office

Latitude: N 53° 50' 51.18" (N 53.847550)

Longitude: E 27° 40' 49.20" (E 27.680333)

Office hours

Mon-Fr —  8:30 - 17:00, 

Sun, Sut — Closed


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